
It is a machine required in order to take out the right angle of materials.
width of cut — 300 mm — it becomes — it is broad.
Since the surface plate is long, an important figure’s materials can also be processed and it can be processed correctly.

切削幅500mm 昇降高450mm
This automatic planer is using a three-sheet edge.
It is about which is very sharp and unnecessary also as for super-finish.
Width of cut is also large and it can also process big wood.
Rise and fall are automatic.

It is a planer for finishing materials.
It will stop, if big power is applied.
It uses for finish-machining of window frame material, wood for fittings, etc.
Sound is quiet.

Material is used to cut to the same width.
Since a big edge rotates at high speed, it is dangerous.
The cutting depth can be adjusted by turning a handle.
The wood sending roller is also attached.